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Career & Business problems

Every day an increasing number of people are facing a professional crisis. Be it related to their career or business, it is slowly eating them up and leaving back hollow shells of their past selves. Our race to become successful has led us become blind to the problems we are creating for ourselves. We are forgetting that being successful takes a lot of planning, execution, and above all, the grit to endure. This is why success only comes to those who strive for excellence.

When you find across a problem in your career or business, the one thing you need to do is answer a single question- WHY? Why are you facing this problem? Problem Solving 101 – this very popular business management book by Ken Watanabe is written around this very concept of asking the right questions to the problems you are facing. This helps you get to the root cause of the problem. It is only then that you can truly work towards solving the problem and achieving success.

Sounds easy, right? That’s exactly what it is- Easy, says Guruji Pramod Shahstri ji. How do you treat your career or business problem?

Guruji has 3 steps: Detailed analysis to find the actual cause of the problem through astrology, planning a probable solution once you find the root case, and finally putting it in practice. When all things said and done, it’s the details that will help you resolve the problem. The best way to tackle a problem is to spend more time with it. Get to know it well. Figure out the strengths and weaknesses. This will enable you to prepare a detailed analysis of what’s working and what’s not. Ultimately, you will be ready to resolve the problem.

Guruji will help you to strive for success in your career and never to lose your focus. You can do this by setting short goals and milestones to measure your achievements and pushing yourself to keep doing better. Here are some things that can help you resolve professional problems:

Guruji insists “Learn from others: Success is not exclusive.”

There have been many successful personalities over the world and there are many more that are emerging every day. Being successful needs discipline, focused thought process, and routines. Learn from the greatest minds by viewing their lectures, videos, autobiographies, and history. You will find solutions to what you’re facing and, more importantly, what you’re missing.

Another superb advice given by Guruji is to keep yourself up to date: One of the things that all the business tycoons have in common is their habit of keeping up with current affairs. Of course, how can one really be successful if you are unaware of what is going on in your own field?

Read More, Listen More: Take up reading business and self-help books. It is an amazing habit that helps you see opportunities in unique ways. Explore your skillset, select those that are pertinent to your career, and enhance them with dedicated practice.

Many of Guruji’s sage advice are as follows:

  • Surround yourself with success: Keep the company of people who are focused on achieving and being productive.
  • Milestones: Set milestones that track your progress. These will simultaneously serve as reminders and motivation for you.

Never be afraid of failure: You know what’s one thing that’s common with every successful individual? They weren’t afraid to fail. Don’t believe it? Well, did you know that:

Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper for having “no good ideas”?

Henry Ford’s first 2 automobile businesses failed.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team!

Always remember that the successful people went out to become giants in their field because they embraced their failures and built up on them. Embrace your failures and see how you can change them into examples of success.

Become a success, pick up your cell phone and call up Guruji on +91-9988051848.