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Name & Face Analysis

Have you ever wondered why parents needs to consult astrologers before naming a newborn?

Why is there a spiritual ceremony for naming a child?

Why the name of the child is not randomly selected?

This is because the name held great powers. Everything in this world is about energy. Situations and people turn favourable based on visual perception and vibrations of sound.

It determines the destiny of person and influences the character of the person. The energy and vibration of each letter weaves a story which has a profound impact on destiny. Vibrations of first name should be in complete harmony to second name and date of birth else it would cause failures in future. This where it becomes important to create a right energy pattern, in form of a name, which favours destiny.

To understand this in its true essence, lot of learned people give mantras that has to be chanted. Mantra creates positive vibrations in mind and energy; mantras also ward to fear and struggle. Positive vibrations can eradicate all fears and hardships in a person's mind. Through the positive vibrations it generates, mantras help resolve all those issues.

If you want more comprehensive analysis of your name to know how it is impacting your life and destiny, Guruji can give you all the details.

If something is favourable or if there is any alphabet that is causing obstacles, Guruji will show you the path to overcome it all.

Remember change starts with you. Mind, vibrations, energy can make your life easy and comfortable.

Why delay your happiness. Fast track your life of joy by  contacting Guruji on: +91-9988051848.