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Child Problem

Children are God’s gifts but when you are denied this wonderful gift it is very painful. Once a couple gets married, they generally want to start a family. The laughter of children in the background at home can be music to your ears. When your 1st child is born and he says Ma or Pa for the 1st time it gives you a great high-actually, not only the 1st child but the 2nd one as well. It brings about a change in your personality, from being careless in life you become a responsible, caring , mature person who wants to give his best to this wonderful bundle of joy who brings a smile on everyone’s lips. It is such a great high to carry him in your arms.

All these positive emotions come with a child coming into your life so generally everyone looks forward to having children. For this great feeling, which you want to experience, but sometimes are denied, get in touch with the world’s best, international astrologer, Pandit Pramod Shastri ji. When a couple has problems in conceiving a child, guruji will check the couple’s horoscope and find astrological remedies which will bless the couple with children. Where medical science has failed, astrology will work miracles.

Parenthood enriches the lives of the couple. It brings about a deep emotional change in their lives. One can get quite overwhelmed with the emotions one feels towards the child. On the other hand, if a couple is not being blessed with a child then the couple can go through depression and their relationship can go sour and become unhealthy.

Sometimes the pressure put on the woman by her in-laws is immense, when she is not conceiving. In fact she can even be ill-treated by her in-laws. If her husband is insensitive then he too can treat her badly. This is not a healthy way of life. No one has the right to treat anyone like they are less or inferior. However, this does happen. Sometimes the fault may not lie with the woman for not conceiving but she is blamed. Man has too much ego to accept that it could be him due to which conception of a child is not happening.

The parents of the woman go through a lot of trauma because their precious daughter is being put to so much pain. To avoid this situation the God manly Pandit Pramod Shastri ji is the person to connect with. He will give genuine advice , being an expert astrologer. He will give the hour of union for the couple, as successful conception is the result of cosmic power.

Motherhood is beautiful–the minute a child is born a woman becomes a mother. A healthy, happy, beautiful child is the wish of every woman. When a woman is not being able to conceive she goes through a lot of anxiety, social pressure and unhappiness. It is just not fair and right to treat a woman badly at this stage in her life. Her dreams are also getting shattered and she does not deserve this. Guruji, being a good man does not believe in women being treated wrongly. He does his best to find a solution to this problem. There have been many cases like these that Guruji has tackled. Many couples who have sought his expert help in resolving the issue of not getting a child are happy parents today, with not just one child but two. He has brought laughter, love, joy and happiness back in their lives.

Sometimes children are born to a couple but grow up to be rebels and become drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, smoke and do all the activities that they shouldn’t be. They create trouble in schools, colleges. This is also a very difficult situation which has to be set right. Parents go through a lot of heartache and feel helpless because their child does not listen to them at all. He is on a different trip in life. Sometimes, children do not become mature adults and do not work to earn money. They live off others. This is also a very horrible situation. Sometimes your child is lost in love. In short, when a child’s life goes awry, at such a time, Guruji can come to your rescue. He will check the child’s stars and accordingly give remedies so that these situations are reversed and the child comes back on track.

So, if you want the perfect, good and quick solution to the problem of a childless marriage, or making your child worthy, meet guruji and reap the benefit of a dedicated, accomplished, adept Pandit to solve these issues. Please connect with him on +91-9988051848